October Hub Meet Ups

Northland Hub Meet-Up

Northland Hub met at Quail Cafe Whangarei early in October. As always it was good to make new connections as well as seeing some lovely regulars. Our discussions are always lively and varied. I think I’m going to have to learn to crochet. I had a touch of FMO after seeing photos of some amazing creations.

Our next meeting is at Eutopia Cafe 10am Wednesday 1st. November. The December meeting will be in Whangarei early in the month.

All meetings are posted on the Northland Hub page

Bay Of Plenty Hub Meet-Up

We had a great turn out with 7 people at Zest cafe in Greerton.  Lots of in depth conversation about everything from how to get diagnosed, dysautonomia and the never ending list of EDS/ HSD effects. 

Plenty of lightbulb moments for many of us and I’m sure, many of us going away with lots to process and digest. 
Unfortunately there ended up being 2 gatherings due to some confusion about where in the cafe folks were gathering, from what i have been told; it sounds like the conversation at the other gathering was equally as informative and enlightening.
Zest Cafe Greerton 2
There will be another coffee catch up in Whakatane on November 2 at 2pm at Julians Berry Farm (pending weather). Keep an eye out on Loosely Speaking & the BOP Hub page for any updates. Meeting location will be confirmed by 12 noon on November 2.