Thank you for considering a donation to the Ehlers-Danlos Society New Zealand.

Your donation will help us in our mission to raise awareness and visibility of EDS in New Zealand, as well as providing information and support to EDS patients and their families.

EDSNZ endeavours to keep administration costs low so that more money can be spent on our mission. Our staff are volunteers and we do not have an office.

Please consider ongoing support. You can help the EDSNZ by setting up an automatic, recurring payment of a chosen amount and
frequency through your bank or banking app.

Receipts for automatic payments will be issued annually after 31 March. Please email your contact and donation details to our
Treasurer at so we can properly thank and receipt you.

How To Donate

Internet banking:

Ehlers-Danlos Society New Zealand Incorporated


Reference: your full name

Please email your donation and contact details to our Treasurer at so that we can properly thank and
receipt you.

Donate via our shop:


Fill out the donation form below:

Please note – there is a 3% charge to EDSNZ using the donation form

Tax credits:
As a registered charity, donations over $5.00 by individuals are eligible for a 33.33% tax credit. Email receipts for donations by internet banking are provided  upon request to our Treasurer at

Thank you for your support!

Registered Charity CC55826
Find us on the Charities Commission website here.

For more ways to support Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes New Zealand including shopping with donations going to EDSNZ, click here.