Jeannie Di Bon is an internationally recognised Movement Therapist specialising in Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Chronic Pain. She has over 14 years experience in supporting clients with their pain management and guidance on the path to health and wellbeing. Jeannie is the author of two books and writes for the Huffington Post, The Mighty and Thrive Global on the topics of chronic illness and invisible disabilities. She also regularly presents for the Ehlers-Danlos Society at their international conferences.

Jeannie Di Bon runs The Zebra Club, a supportive community for people around the world living with chronic pain caused by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or hypermobility. The Zebra Club focuses on guiding people through a journey of safe rehabilitation and exercise, so you can live your best life every day.

She also has a youtube channel with videos for all aspects of living with EDS/HSD. See Jeannie’s website for more information, and check out the gentle exercises series created for May Awareness Month 2023 below.

A Gentle Wake Up Class For Hypermobolity

Strengthen Posterior Chain Muscles in Hypermobility - Energise

Hypermobility & Fatigue - Gentle Exercise For Those Fatigue Days

Hypermobility & sleep - A Bedtime Class